SG Artwork Gallery

SG Artwork Gallery features one of a kind limited edition Crypto Collectible assets (NFTs) of SG Aspen and SG Fractal artworks.

These assest are in the form of a digital (digitized) asset, also known as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), a digital unique certification of the asset / for each of the individual collectible art items from the SG Aspen and SG Fractal artwork collections.

Each artwork collection also offers unique crypto collectible series within, SG Aspen Artwork have four (4) series, and SG Fractal Artwork has two (2) series.

These one of a kind limited edition Crypto Collectible asset artworks are available for purchase at OpenSea as registered NFTs (non-fungible tokens): SG Aspen Artwork NFTs, SG Fractal Artwork NFTs.

SG Aspen Artwork

SG Aspen Artwork NFTs, are one of a kind limited edition Crypto Collectible asset artworks available for purchase at OpenSea as registered NFTs (non-fungible tokens). To view larger image and/or slideshow presentation, select an image below.

SG Fractal Artwork

SG Fractal Artwork NFTs. are one of a kind limited edition Crypto Collectible asset artworks available for purchase at OpenSea as registered NFTs (non-fungible tokens). To view larger image and/or slideshow presentation, select an image below.