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This Web site is in no way affiliated with BMW North America or BMW AG.
All trademarks used or referred to on this Web site are the property of their respective owners.
Tire Size Program, Gear Speed Calculator Program, are Copyright © 1998-2025 Scott Galaba. These programs can not be copied, or used in this or any other media format without the written consent of the owner.
The information found at this web site is Copyright © 1998-2025 Scott Galaba, this includes photographs, artwork, graphics, FAQs, Procedures, Tech Tips, and the web site logo. This information can not be copied, or used in this or any other media format without the written consent of the owner.
Any other photographs, artwork, graphics, FAQs, Procedures, and Tech Tips not marked as being Copyright© Scott Galaba 1998-2021, is then Copyright© the respective owners.
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